STEP #1 Watch 52-min



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STEP #2 Achieve Your Dream Retirement

With a Clear Plan and Proven System

STEP #2 Achieve Your Dream Retirement With a Clear Plan and Proven System

Finally... A Proven Step-by-Step Program...

That helps you accomplish more meaningful and exciting experiences during retirement,

even if you don’t have clarity on your next steps (and all the signs of a procrastinator)

I cringe every time I see only financial advice when I look up retirement advice.

Isn’t there more to life than just money?

Even if you confidently answer “no” to the infamous “Am I going to outlive my money?” question...

What good is it if you’re sitting on a pile of money with no vibrance for life?

There’s soo much more than financial advice that can help you smoothly transition into your retirement life...

A life that you LOVE, full of passion, purpose, and exciting experiences.

After a 20-year marketing career and servicing retirees in the financial industry,

I knew I had to do something to help solve this problem,

and that's when fate pushed me into action...

I knew I had to do something to help solve this problem, and that's when fate pushed me into action...

It was 2011...

My dad was given a second chance at life, after a crazy brain surgery and 38 rounds of radiation to remove a


BUT THEN (yes, the all-caps kind):

His newfound zest for life immediately went to the wayside.

I couldn’t believe it.

He didn’t seize the day like he said he would if he were to live.

After he recovered (thank god) from his near-death experience, all of a sudden he forgot what it was like to be so

close to death.

He went straight back to the dad who worries a lot.

The dad who plays it safe, and only focuses on working and building a comfortable nest egg.

I get it - normalcy is hugely comforting, especially after a big stressor like brain surgery.


My dad too easily put his passions back on the back burner.

He resumed his procrastinating habits and the notorious “I’ll do that when...” mentality.

He eventually became afraid to retire, thinking he’d be bored... and have no purpose, no relevancy, no youthful


Eek... jumping back into his pre-treatment identity came a bit too naturally.

During his treatment, my dad was a totally different person.

He became a new braver, more ambitious, risk-taking dad right before my eyes.

That dad had a sparkling new chance to conquer his big dreams and passions...

It was 2011...

My dad was given a second chance at life, after a crazy brain surgery and 38 rounds of radiation to remove a


BUT THEN (yes, the all-caps kind):

His newfound zest for life immediately went to the wayside.

I couldn’t believe it.

He didn’t seize the day like he said he would if he were to live.

After he recovered (thank god) from his near-death experience, all of a sudden he forgot what it was like to be so close to death.

He went straight back to the dad who worries a lot.

The dad who plays it safe, and only focuses on working and building a comfortable nest egg.

I get it - normalcy is hugely comforting, especially after a big stressor like brain surgery.


My dad too easily put his passions back on the back burner.

He resumed his procrastinating habits and the notorious “I’ll do that when...” mentality.

He eventually became afraid to retire, thinking he’d be bored... and have no purpose, no relevancy, no youthful


Eek... jumping back into his pre-treatment identity came a bit too naturally.

During his treatment, my dad was a totally different person.

He became a new braver, more ambitious, risk-taking dad right before my eyes.

That dad had a sparkling new chance to conquer his big dreams and passions...

  • Skydiving solo (which includes several tandem trainings, mind you)

  • ​Hugging his family every day (he’s not particularly affectionate)

  • ​Taking up photography again (he was a champion in his youth pre-digital era)

  • ​Road-tripping in a camper across the US

  • ​Purchase the sports car he always wanted

The list goes on, but dream details aside, the disappointing takeaway is:

None of it got done.

None of it made it to the top of his to-do list.

So... what happened?

I racked my brain for a few years, and then I finally found clarity.

I became a life coach and started working one-on-one with older adults (mostly in their 60s and 70s), ,

And found even more clarity...


This generation in particular is so conditioned to put everyone and everything else first...

... that it’s deeply engrained (both physically and mentally) to NOT take action on your biggest

goals and dreams.

Mostly in the name of security and responsibility, our culture enables people to have robust

purposeful lives ONLY during their peak career and family years...

Then, sadly, when it comes time to retire, the “leisurely” life during retirement years doesn’t cut it.

"Rewire My Retirement™ was a godsend."

It helped me develop a different approach to how

I start my day, which is now my resolution

practice. It also validated the path I was on and

helped me develop a more structured, organized,

and effective approach to reaching my goals.

- Lawrence M. “Doc” Nelson, McLean, VA

The OLD way of seeing life's phases is in three distinct chunks.

The MODERN way of viewing life’s phases is in more interspersed phases.

Here's what I mean visually:

And here's why it matters:

Our culture continues to enable the old stereotypical way of looking at life phases - and the older we get, the more

we’re pushed to settle for stagnancy and just “take it easy.”

The result?

All of these alarming stats are still on the rise:

  • Alzheimer’s touches 1 in 3 of us at the end of life

  • ​1.3 million are living in nursing homes instead of aging in the comfort of their own home

  • ​Divorce among older adults has doubled since the 90s as people are trained to be passive and settle for

    mediocrity and mundane routine

  • ​1 in 7 baby boomers are treated for depression

Sadly, the more I researched, the more glaring the problem became (it’s no wonder both my grandparents were

touched by Alzheimer’s, and why the average older adults watches 47.21 hours of TV per week).

Bottom line - the stereotypical sedentary lifestyle among older adults has been cultivating in the background of

our culture for too too long.

Even if you don’t want to be pigeonholed into a retired life like your parents, tools beyond financial advice are not

readily available to solve this problem.

After years of helping hundreds of people in this audience group, I see again and again attempts at an exciting

retirement life that look something like:

  • Allowing bills, responsibilities, paperwork, and chores to reap most of your day

  • ​Limiting main calendar activities to doctors appointments and occasional travel

  • ​Joining a group or class short-term and letting the skills and momentum quickly wane

  • Watching too much TV

  • Getting sucked into Facebook, online games, and other device addictions

  • ​Feeling guilty about not contributing/accomplishing much activity and, as a result, blindly signing up for

    something because you feel you’re supposed to

  • ​Starting and stopping projects (whether decluttering, launching a side business, or sticking to an exercise


  • ​Relying too much on your family or kids for events and activities

  • Thinking it's a “temporary” rut, yet allowing the holding pattern to become long-term

"The system has specific concrete steps to follow that you can

repeat for future goals as needed."

I needed help defining where to go from here. I also wanted to be an example for my

daughter who was having a very hard time over the loss of her brother. With these

tools, I was able to reach my goal of selling my house and relocating to a new home.

- Joyce Miller, Sandy Springs, GA


There’s a flip side to this and I’ve seen people turn their lifestyles around and accomplish the most amazing

ambitious during their so-called retirement life.

Not only are they more active, healthy, and engaged, but they also have deeper more enriching relationships.


There’s a flip side to this and I’ve seen people turn their lifestyles around and accomplish the most amazing

ambitious during their so-called retirement life.

Not only are they more active, healthy, and engaged, but they also have deeper more enriching relationships.

  • Imagine living life on your own terms - without the guilt.

  • ​Imagine having so much fun because you’re honoring your authentic self and aligning everything you do with your core values.

  • Imagine making a difference in other people’s lives because you’re passionate about it and want to.

  • ​Imagine sharing your unique gifts and skills with the world, and contributing in a meaningful way that

    you never knew you could.

How much energy and internal peace would you have?

How accomplished and satisfied would you feel?

What would your life look like?

Your answers to these questions are critically important, and here's why:

Your Retirement is the beginning of a new GROWTH Journey...

You just need to get past Stage 3 of Disenchantment...

“Cyn’s program has given me the courage to

move forward in this new life of retirement.”

What makes the process effective for me is it’s

broken down into bits and pieces, and mini

habits. And those mini-habits are built upon other

mini-habits. I’m a true believer in incremental

“Cyn’s program has given me the courage to move forward in this new life of retirement.”

What makes the process effective for me is it’s broken down into bits and pieces, and mini habits. And those mini-habits are built upon other

mini-habits. I’m a true believer in incremental change and incremental improvement. Now I have a nice basis for why I will retire.

- Sue Camaione - Bethesda MD

change and incremental improvement. Now I

have a nice basis for why I will retire.

- Sue Camaione - Bethesda MD

This is exactly why I created Rewire My Retirement™

So that you can live your best possible retired life and inspire others to do the same...

And, in the process, shift our culture to uproot the stereotypes that cause ageism.


Rewire My Retirement™ is a step-by-step system that helps you live out your passions and purpose, and

actively take clear next steps to pursue them - while killing procrastination in the process.

The program will teach you how to experience a fulfilling, purposeful retirement life that’s more active, healthy,

and engaged.

You will gain deep life satisfaction and build vital momentum that sets the stage for accomplishing all of your

life dreams and goals,

For the rest of your life...

Rewire My Retirement™ is a step-by-step system that helps you live out your passions and purpose, and actively take clear next steps to pursue them - while killing procrastination in the process.

The program will teach you how to experience a fulfilling, purposeful retirement life that’s more active, healthy,

and engaged.

You will gain deep life satisfaction and build vital momentum that sets the stage for accomplishing all of your life dreams and goals,

For the rest of your life...

"It's amazing. You can call it a coincidence, but I'm not sure about that."

Rewire My Retirement™ taught me how to rely on the process each day. Rather than

looking at the progress of the big picture, I learned how to focus on today's picture -

which makes a big difference. I completed a 19-page business plan by the end.

There's more order and fewer distractions. It's so comprehensive with all the different

parts that we need to address as we retire...

- Brad Auten, Scottsdale, AZ

"It's amazing. You can call it a coincidence, but I'm not sure about that."

Rewire My Retirement™ taught me how to rely on the process each day. Rather than

looking at the progress of the big picture, I learned how to focus on today's picture -

which makes a big difference. I completed a 19-page business plan by the end.

There's more order and fewer distractions. It's so comprehensive with all the different

parts that we need to address as we retire...

- Brad Auten, Scottsdale, AZ

Here's What You Get When You

Join the Rewire My Retirement™ Program

Here's What You Get When You Join the Rewire My Retirement™ Program

This is the most complete personal development training you’ll find because it has been specifically designed

to help you build your ideal lifestyle as an older adult in today’s world… not just learn how to find your passion.

It’s not just a course on a diet and exercise regimen, or how to only financially plan for retirement.

It's much more comprehensive than that, and it's got a built-in rewiring system that helps you kill

procrastination to make necessary and lasting changes in your life that you really want.

Unlike other programs, classes or events, this one is designed to make real lasting changes over the long-term.

Here’s what's included:

This is the most complete personal development training you’ll find because it has been specifically designed to help you build your ideal lifestyle as an older adult in today’s world… not just learn how to find your passion.

It’s not just a course on a diet and exercise regimen, or how to only financially plan for retirement.

It's much more comprehensive than that, and it's got a built-in rewiring system that helps you kill procrastination to make necessary and lasting changes in your life that you really want.

Unlike other programs, classes or events, this one is designed to make real lasting changes over the long-term.

Here’s what's included:

  • Fully-guided Learning Program With Exact Daily Micro-Steps

  • ​Private 1-on-1 Coaching With Cyn

  • ​Retirement Life Assessment

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback (from Cyn personally)

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit

  • ​Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates

  • Exclusive Community

  • Fully-guided Learning Program With Exact Daily Micro-Steps

  • ​Private 1-on-1 Coaching With Cyn

  • ​Retirement Life Assessment

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback (from Cyn personally)

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit

  • ​Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates

  • Exclusive Community

  • Fully-guided Learning Program With Exact Daily Micro-Steps - Every exact step is laid out for you in your

    personalized online portal to learn the exclusive Rewire Method™. Simply follow the daily steps in the program and

    let neuroscience work its magic.

  • ​Private 1-on-1 Coaching With Cyn - Every single member gets 1 onboarding private coaching call with Cyn

    personally to leverage important momentum. Premium members get 2x monthly private coaching session (limited

    seats available).

  • Retirement Life Assessment - You will take a brief assessment at the beginning and end of the program to

    capture a snapshot of your current state and measure your results after the 12 weeks.

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback - During your 4-week goal challenge, you will receive personalized feedback on

    your goal setting and progress from Cyn Meyer personally (*note: does not apply to Basic Plan)

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit - All the tools you need to achieve any goal. Refer to this toolkit anytime you get stuck.

  • Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates - Your exact daily plan for implementing any and all of your goals. This

    workbook includes daily roadmap worksheets that serve as a template for how to lay out your specific micro-step

    and mindset for the day, which you can use for the rest of your life.

  • Exclusive Community - Join our exclusive private Facebook Group of other students in the program, a unique

    supportive community of like-minded people who are inspiring others to fully thrive in retirement.

  • Fully-guided Learning Program With Exact Daily Micro-Steps - Every exact step is laid out for you in your personalized online portal to learn the exclusive Rewire Method™. Simply follow the daily steps in the program and let neuroscience work its magic.

  • ​Private 1-on-1 Coaching With Cyn - Every single member gets 1 onboarding private coaching call with Cyn personally to leverage important momentum. Premium members get 2x monthly private coaching session (limited

    seats available).

  • Retirement Life Assessment - You will take a brief assessment at the beginning and end of the program to capture a snapshot of your current state and measure your results after the 12 weeks.

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback - During your 4-week goal challenge, you will receive personalized feedback on

    your goal setting and progress from Cyn Meyer personally (*note: does not apply to Basic Plan)

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit - All the tools you need to achieve any goal. Refer to this toolkit anytime you get stuck.

  • Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates - Your exact daily plan for implementing any and all of your goals. This

    workbook includes daily roadmap worksheets that serve as a template for how to lay out your specific micro-step

    and mindset for the day, which you can use for the rest of your life.

  • Exclusive Community - Join our exclusive private Facebook Group of other students in the program, a unique

    supportive community of like-minded people who are inspiring others to fully thrive in retirement.

Say YES to Rewire My Retirement™ today and...

Get everything you need to

achieve your best retirement life

(with more purpose and joy)

Get everything you need to achieve your best retirement life

(with more purpose and joy)





monthly x3 or

$997 paid in full

  • ​3-Month Access to step-by-step online program

  • ​Goal Achieving Toolkit

    + Roadmap

  • Exclusive Facebook Group

  • No Onboarding coaching call with Cyn personally

  • No Personal Goal Setting

    Review by Cyn personally

  • ​No Private Coaching Sessions with Cyn





monthly x3 or

$1997 paid in full

  • 1-Year Access to step-by-step online program

  • ​Goal Achieving Toolkit

    + Roadmap

  • ​Exclusive Facebook Group

  • Onboarding coaching call with Cyn personally

  • ​1X Personal ​Goal Setting Review by Cyn personally

  • No Private Coaching Sessions with Cyn





monthly x3 or

$5500 paid in full

* please note: limited spots available

  • Lifetime Access to step-by-step online program

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit

  • + Routine Roadmap

  • Exclusive Facebook Group

  • ​Onboarding coaching call with Cyn personally

  • ​4X Personal ​Goal Setting Review by Cyn personally

  • 6X ​Private Coaching Sessions with Cyn


This program will work, if you work it.

Here are the details:

If you put in the DAILY work (i.e. submit your daily exercises), and you follow what I teach without

overcomplicating or thinking your way out of it simply because it's something new and challenging, and you

complete your onboarding coaching call…

… you will get results.

More importantly - the TRUTH about getting results is simply putting in your consistent honest effort

and following the system, which normally takes at least 3 months of effort.

BUT if you get in and do the work described above for 14 days straight (including daily exercises and an

onboarding coaching call) and if you still you want out, we will refund you.

Put another way 👉 If you want a quick fix, please do not join.

If you're willing to do the work, then read on...

This program will work, if you work it.

Here are the details:

If you put in the DAILY work (i.e. submit your daily exercises), and you follow what I teach without

overcomplicating or thinking your way out of it simply because it's something new and challenging, and you

complete your onboarding coaching call…

… you will get results.

More importantly - the TRUTH about getting results is simply putting in your consistent honest effort

and following the system, which normally takes at least 3 months of effort.

BUT if you get in and do the work described above for 14 days straight (including daily exercises and an

onboarding coaching call) and if you still you want out, we will refund you.

Put another way 👉 If you want a quick fix, please do not join.

If you're willing to do the work, then read on...


We strongly encourage a 3-month minimum effort

The program is designed to teach you everything you need to know in the first 3 months.

AND THEN you can continue practicing and mastering the tools - forever. Please consider:

The program is designed to teach you everything you need to know in the first 3 months. AND THEN you can continue practicing and mastering the tools - forever. Please consider:

  • Because of the personalization of this program, this is one of the rare cases where

    repetition teaches you something new each and every time.

  • Because of the personalization of this program, this is one of the rare cases where repetition teaches you something new each and every time.

"It's an in-depth and enlightening analysis of

what it takes to be successful as we advance in years."

If you are considering signing up for Rewire My Retirement™ program, wait no longer.

Cyn is an effective communicator who shares science-based knowledge of how to plan

for and go about our days in ways that assure happiness and fulfillment.

I’m so glad I signed up - you will be, too...

- Ted Hunter, Seattle, WA

"It's an in-depth and enlightening analysis of what it takes to be successful as we advance in years."

If you are considering signing up for Rewire My Retirement™ program, wait no longer. Cyn is an effective communicator who shares science-based knowledge of how to plan for and go about our days in ways that assure happiness and fulfillment.

I’m so glad I signed up - you will be, too...

- Ted Hunter, Seattle, WA

"If you look back and see all the things I’ve

done, it’s really amazing."

I was a person who would dream of all these

things, but the action was keeping me from doing

it. I wasn’t sure at first, but once I got into

the program, I was really pleased with the whole

experience. I’m more self-confident, calm,

consistent, and a more positive person. I’ve even

improved my relationship with my husband. I

loved it.

- Paulett Amburn, Chesapeake, VA

"If you look back and see all the things I’ve done, it’s really amazing."

I was a person who would dream of all these things, but the action was keeping me from doing it. I wasn’t sure at first, but once I got into the program, I was really pleased with the whole

experience. I’m more self-confident, calm,

consistent, and a more positive person. I’ve even improved my relationship with my husband. I loved it.

- Paulett Amburn, Chesapeake, VA

You can accomplish anything you want

when you have the right tools...

Use Neuroplasticity to

Kill Procrastination

Use Neuroplasticity to

Kill Procrastination

This program is specifically designed to rewire your

brain and incrementally replace your bad habits with
positive behaviors that lead you to your best life.

Simply follow the program step-by-step to kill

procrastination once and for all, without even having to

think about it.

By the time you implement your first goal at the end of

this program, your behavior and mindset will be

changed in a powerful way that lets you live each day

with intention and achieve your biggest goals.

This program is specifically designed to rewire your brain and incrementally replace your bad habits with positive behaviors that lead you to your best life.

Simply follow the program step-by-step to kill procrastination once and for all, without even having to think about it.

By the time you implement your first goal at the end of this program, your behavior and mindset will be changed in a powerful way that lets you live each day

with intention and achieve your biggest goals.

Rewire My Retirement™ teaches you step-by-step how

to balance your life across the 5 Rings of Retirement, and

access the most amount of energy within each of these

five core categories.

The program systematically walks you through key

exercises and lessons that help you get the most out of

each core area of your life.

You will learn how to align the 5 Rings of Retirement with

your core values and truly authentic self.

Rewire My Retirement™ teaches you step-by-step how to balance your life across the 5 Rings of Retirement, and

access the most amount of energy within each of these five core categories.

The program systematically walks you through key exercises and lessons that help you get the most out of each core area of your life.

You will learn how to align the 5 Rings of Retirement with your core values and truly authentic self.

Balance Your Life Across These

Balance Your Life Across These

Light Up Your Life With Our

Signature 3-Part System

Light Up Your Life With Our

Signature 3-Part System

We give you lifetime access to our signature 3-part

system, so you can successfully apply it to any of your

goals for the rest of your life.

You will first find clarity on your most important

passions, purpose and authentic self. Then, you will

learn how to consistently take action toward your

biggest dreams and protect them along the way.

Simply put, you will learn how to live life on your terms

with more passion, purpose, and love... without the


We give you lifetime access to our signature 3-part system, so you can successfully apply it to any of your

goals for the rest of your life.

You will first find clarity on your most important passions, purpose and authentic self. Then, you will learn how to consistently take action toward your

biggest dreams and protect them along the way.

Simply put, you will learn how to live life on your terms with more passion, purpose, and love... without the


Inspiring Success Stories

Here's what students are saying about their Rewire My Retirement™ experience:

"Give yourself the key to unlock what resonates for you at this stage of life." I found Rewire my Retirement™ when doing a web search quite by accident. I knew that

I had to make the investment in myself. It felt like this was the time, just months after I'd

retired and was facing the question, what is next for me?

It takes some time, but the tools you learn will benefit you immediately. You just might

uncover something of interest to you, that you had forgotten about, or that you didn't

even know existed. Thanks Cyn, for this fantastic program!

- Theresa Fowler, Tulsa, OK

"Give yourself the key to unlock what resonates for you at this stage of life." I found Rewire my Retirement™ when doing a web search quite by accident. I knew that

I had to make the investment in myself. It felt like this was the time, just months after I'd retired and was facing the question, what is next for me?

It takes some time, but the tools you learn will benefit you immediately. You just might uncover something of interest to you, that you had forgotten about, or that you didn't even know existed. Thanks Cyn, for this fantastic program!

- Theresa Fowler, Tulsa, OK

"Never ever did I think

this would happen to me!"

I am now enjoying more fulfilling activities than

ever before. I'm learning to play the guitar, write

poetry, and for the first time in years, I'm in a new

romantic relationship that has more promise than

any other relationship I've been in. These tools

will help you achieve anything.

- Donna Privette, Columbia, SC

"Never ever did I think

this would happen to me!"

I am now enjoying more fulfilling activities than ever before. I'm learning to play the guitar, write poetry, and for the first time in years, I'm in a new romantic relationship that has more promise than any other relationship I've been in. These tools will help you achieve anything.

- Donna Privette, Columbia, SC

"It really is a very helpful system and well laid out for our success."

I really appreciate the Rewire My Retirement™ program and Cyn's commitment to her

students - her encouragement and commitment to me are very helpful and motivating.

What I have learned is that there is wisdom in those morning sheets. They help

reinforce my focus on the goals, keeping them in the forefront, and the

micro-steps make the goals doable.

- Mary Rowe, Portland, OR

"It really is a very helpful system and well laid out for our success."

I really appreciate the Rewire My Retirement™ program and Cyn's commitment to her students - her encouragement and commitment to me are very helpful and motivating.

What I have learned is that there is wisdom in those morning sheets. They help reinforce my focus on the goals, keeping them in the forefront, and the

micro-steps make the goals doable.

- Mary Rowe, Portland, OR

"For the first time in my life,

I'm living in the present."

Through the program, I developed positive daily

habits of focusing on myself, my growth,

my passions, and my core values. And now my

retirement is aligned with it.

- Steve Bram, Charleston, SC

"Cyn has helped me navigate some challenges and fine tune

my mental and spiritual center."

I fancy myself a mentally healthy retired person with chronic illness and disabilities. Yet

"Cyn has helped me navigate some challenges and fine tune

my mental and spiritual center."

I fancy myself a mentally healthy retired person with chronic illness and disabilities. Yet

I know that to stay mentally healthy and live at peak physical capacity takes work –

good habits aren’t easy. For that work to be worth it, I need coaching. I can’t think of

everything. I’ve been delighted with Cyn’s coaching and program. Much appreciated.

- Danny van Leeuwen, Boston MA

I know that to stay mentally healthy and live at peak physical capacity takes work –

good habits aren’t easy. For that work to be worth it, I need coaching. I can’t think of

everything. I’ve been delighted with Cyn’s coaching and program. Much appreciated.

- Danny van Leeuwen, Boston MA

I know that to stay mentally healthy and live at peak physical capacity takes work –

good habits aren’t easy. For that work to be worth it, I need coaching. I can’t think of

everything. I’ve been delighted with Cyn’s coaching and program. Much appreciated.

- Danny van Leeuwen, Boston MA

I know that to stay mentally healthy and live at peak physical capacity takes work –

good habits aren’t easy. For that work to be worth it, I need coaching. I can’t think of

everything. I’ve been delighted with Cyn’s coaching and program. Much appreciated.

- Danny van Leeuwen, Boston MA

And If You Think It's Too Late For Remarkable Growth,


"It's fun to be 92 and keep learning..."

The more I've been involved in Rewire My Retirement™, the more I believe it should be part of Medicare.

- AnnaBelle Marshall, Mission Viejo, CA

Want to Live Your Best Retirement Life?

Frequently Asked Questions

To make it more convenient for you, here are some FAQs that people like to consider before joining the program (just click each toggle box for the answers):


Why do you strongly encourage a 3-month minimum?

This program is based on the magic of neuroplasticity, and the 3-month mark is where the magic happens. When it comes to adopting positive new habits and new ways of thinking, consistency is everything. 

3 months of following the exact daily steps in the Rewiring System is the surest way for your brain to:

✔ Find clarity

✔ Unlock possibilities from your subconscious

✔ Turn your ideal retirement life into a reality

After years of offering this as a private coaching-only program, we've lowered the price to make it more accessible to more people as a self-study program, so you can truly make this a part of your everyday life. 

The more consistent you are with the process, the greater your results. 

However, without coaching - some people take longer to build that consistency, which is why we offer

the Premium Self-Study with 1-Year Access.

Because of the personalization of this program, this is one of the rare cases where repetition teaches

you something new each and every time


How many coaching calls do I get with Cyn?

Everyone gets 1 personal onboarding coaching session with Cyn to start you off on the right foot. 

(Please schedule this as soon as you gain access, to secure your spot ASAP and leverage momentum.)

The VIP Coaching package is the only one that offers private 1-on-1 life coaching sessions, where Cyn


✔ Reviews your every exercise submission 

✔ Gets to know you on a deep level

✔ Helps you get unstuck, unblocked, and unfrozen

​✔ Guides you directly on the quickest path to personal success

However, the Self-Study format is our way of offering this powerful Rewire My Retirement system

to more people - we understand that not everyone can afford monthly private coaching sessions. 

(And for the first time ever, we've dramatically dropped the investment and turned it into a Self-Study format, to continue to give access to and help more people.)

The Premium Self-Study program is still interactive - you submit your exercises to Cyn and she 

personally reviews your goals

If you would like to add private coaching calls, please reach out to us to see if there's current



What if I want to try Self-Study first, and then add coaching sessions?

Try the Self-Study program first. 

If you find you want more hands-on personal coaching, simply reach out to us to see if there's

availability in Cyn's calendar.

*Please note: Coaching packages are limited, as Cyn personally coaches each and every private 1-on-

1 session.


What happens after month 3?

You can learn all the tools in the first 3 months - and then you can continue practicing and mastering

the tools - forever

Most people continue to practice the tools you learn in the program and refer to it repeatedly. The

most successful students repeat the processes, learn something new each time, and actively use the

tools for years to come. 

Keep in mind:

✔ You will only benefit from going through the program again and again

✔ These will never go to waste: more clarity, more focus

✔ Each time you use the process in the program, you’re a more developed person with a more

honed, different focus

(🤫 Secret Sauce: the most successful and fulfilled people inspire so many people around them to do

the same, which is why we’re so committed to your long-term success. This expanding movement is our mission!)

Also, if you take longer than 3 months to get through your first round of the program, no problem - life gets in the way. You have 1 Year Access in the Premium Self-Study program and Unlimited Access in the VIP Coaching program (you're more than covered in both). 

It’s hugely important to give yourself the chance to TRY CONSISTENTLY AGAIN (just hop back into

the Rewire My Retirement system where you left off and take it 1 micro-step per day).

Broken record mantra: 

You will see the most results the more consistently you follow the daily steps inside Rewire My


There’s no mistake - this daily consistency is where the magic happens. Give yourself the chance to see it

through and practice honing this CONSISTENT effort again and again.   


I'm skeptical. Is this program right for me, and will I get results?

Some honesty 👉 most people are unsure about joining the program at first

They admit to me they are skeptical. 

And I understand why. There are so many empty promises made out there and a lot of people are

taken advantage of (sadly, I too often hear about people's fear of being scammed).

And also - it's a common narrative to think "I don't have it so bad" and do nothing about the subtle void

that's growing in the background. 

If you feel resistance, you're not alone. 

Most people are trained to put everyone and everything else first, particularly this generation. If you're

like most older adults, you're used to investing in things that ONLY help you survive, not thrive...

This is one reason why we have a wide range of successful client stories from real people who have

gone through the program before you. These client stories were completely voluntary and made

available to you... to encourage you to take your own micro-steps in your journey.

More importantly, though, the other piece of radical honesty is: 

🚀 The time will pass anyway...

Skeptics who join quickly learn how vital it is to invest in themselves - not just the $, but also the time,

energy, and learning opportunity. 

This is how they unlock all the possibilities for a robust retirement life, full of energy, love,

passion, purpose...

Anyone, including you, can learn how to truly take care of your authentic self to nurture real joy that

ripples into every part of your life and relationships.

It just takes a proven system to find clarity and implement exact next steps toward your ideal life,

which is specifically what Rewire My Retirement does for you. ALSO, this is part of our mission:

➔ ​I’ll be able to reference your wildly successful stories as case studies and testimonials to help more people do the same​

➔ By living your ideal retirement lifestyle, you’ll be setting an example for others around you…


What can I learn from someone who's younger than me and NOT retired?

I'm in my 40s and not retired. What do I possibly know about retirement?

Age is not a factor and the stuff I teach is applicable to anyone who wants to live a purposeful life with

more clarity and joy.

As a certified life coach, I've helped hundreds of older adults in this specific audience since 2017. But

credentials aren't even the point. 

Personal development is for EVERYONE. I happen to be passionate about serving this important

audience of older adults to help curb the terrible stats on the rise (like Alzheimer's, depression, and

anxiety), and I am grateful I get to help every day. 

I specifically designed and tailored this program to help people transition into their

"retirement" phase of life, so they can live a more active, healthy and engaged life than the

stereotypical norm (ie. a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to those terrible stats on the rise).

It's truly my purpose and calling - shifting our culture to uproot ageism in this way is my personal


👉 I'm passionate about dedicating my life's work to this important audience of older adults, who

shouldn't be forgotten. 

Plus, this movement has a ripple effect that positively impacts people.


How much time do I have to put into this?

About 25 minutes a day. 

It’s more important that you commit to doing the daily micro-steps (even if only 5 minutes) and that you 

do not cram in the extra time infrequently. Let the power of consistency and neuroscience work its


Put another way: it’s not even important to complete a daily exercise in one sitting… what’s most important is that you practice consistency

​✔ Consistency in dedicating specific time to yourself

​✔ Consistency in having a new growth experience and making some real positive change in your life​

✔ Consistency in giving yourself the chance to achieve what you truly want

This is not a diet and exercise regimen as if you’re signing up for a gym membership. This is a 

personalized program that will teach you to find clarity, adopt good daily habits, and use a growth mindset to chase after what you really want in life. 

Your version of an active, engaged healthy lifestyle is so different from the next person - this course

allows you to improve your life on a very personal level that works with your unique daily life.

Also: It’s never the right time to make real improvements to your life, no matter your age or what's

happening in your life. Which is why it's based on daily micro-steps.

(Some of the most successful people join the program amidst a chaotic period of their life, and use the

tools to help them manage stressful times.) 

This program is designed for your unique life and focuses on meeting you where you currently are...

it empowers you with the right tools to strengthen your best behaviors and mindset.

It won’t be easy-peasy but that’s a good thing. Not only does the good stuff happen outside your

comfort zone, but if you’re not challenging yourself you’re not growing. The more you seek

challenges and put in the hard work, the more you’ll grow. 

Simply put - as a human, you're designed to grow throughout your entire life. If you don't fill this

void now, your cravings for change will only expand.


I start and stop all kinds of projects and programs. How is this different?

In a word: Neuroplasticity

Basically, the Rewiring System is based on neuroplasticity and unlocking clarity from your

subconscious 🧠.

 Also, if you suffer from procrastination... 

... (regardless of the reason) you’re probably an ideal student who may benefit the most from this


We’ll be working on specific tactical ways to kill your procrastination once and for all. The longer you

allow yourself to “not feel like it” the more time you waste not living up to your potential… and worse,

the more you’ll allow yourself to accept inactivity as a way of life. 

And... If you’re not used to being accountable for unfinished projects or incomplete goals, wishes, and

dreams, then this program is definitely for you

Accountability has likely been missing from your life, which is why you’re still procrastinating and

continuing your bad habits... and why you’re craving change.

Again, this course is not for you if you don’t really want change. 

If you want to continue to stay stuck and unmotivated, and you don’t want to put in the work, then

please don’t sign up. 

👉 However - you will learn the exact tools needed to make positive, healthy changes in your

life, so that you can start to live a vibrant, active, healthy lifestyle and still squeeze in all the

things. As in, yes you can have it all - including both work and play.

You’ll be running your days, instead of your days running you (no matter how busy or not-busy you


"Cyn is a gifted coach and an expert on everything to do with aging and retirement."

"Cyn is a gifted coach and an expert on everything to do with aging and retirement."

with aging and retirement."

I retired at age 71 after a busy and rewarding career as a filmmaker, professor, and

author. I was casting about, feeling uncertain, and realizing that I was in unfamiliar

terrain. Being retired was a new and unnerving experience.

I love her emphasis on growth, giving back, health, community, achieving goals, micro-

steps, and living an engaged, active lifestyle. I highly recommend Cyn's program to any

seniors who are interested in making sure their final decades are the best years of their

I retired at age 71 after a busy and rewarding career as a filmmaker, professor, and author. I was casting about, feeling uncertain, and realizing that I was in unfamiliar terrain. Being retired was a new and unnerving experience.

I love her emphasis on growth, giving back, health, community, achieving goals, micro-steps, and living an engaged, active lifestyle. I highly recommend Cyn's program to any seniors who are interested in making sure their final decades are the best years of their

lives, brimming with fun, engagement, love, companionship, caring, creativity, good

health, and giving.

- Chris Palmer, Bethesda, MD

lives, brimming with fun, engagement, love, companionship, caring, creativity, good health, and giving.

- Chris Palmer, Bethesda, MD

"I can see how this is going to be a huge

impact on the rest of my life."

The powerful tools I learned in the program help

me get through life's challenges. You can pretty

well get through everything if you use the tools.

"I can see how this is going to be a huge

impact on the rest of my life."

The powerful tools I learned in the program help me get through life's challenges. You can pretty well get through everything if you use the tools.

They're now a part of my everyday life.

- Steve Gardner, Oakdale, CA

"I now have the clarity I was lacking before on how to move forward

as the best possible me that I can be."

It was such a pleasure working with Cyn. I was looking to make some changes in my life

and Cyn came along at the right time with the right tools I needed. I learned a lot about

myself through her course and have been able to accomplish things I would never had

tried before. Her one-on-one coaching sessions were most helpful to me. She was

always there to remind me of the progress I made, even if it was baby steps.

- Mary Zimmerman, Highland, MI

"I now have the clarity I was lacking before on how to move forward

as the best possible me that I can be."

It was such a pleasure working with Cyn. I was looking to make some changes in my life and Cyn came along at the right time with the right tools I needed. I learned a lot about myself through her course and have been able to accomplish things I would never had tried before. Her one-on-one coaching sessions were most helpful to me. She was always there to remind me of the progress I made, even if it was baby steps.

- Mary Zimmerman, Highland, MI

"It's amazing. You can call it a coincidence,

but I'm not sure about that."

Rewire My Retirement™ taught me how to rely on

the process each day. There's more order and

fewer distractions. It's so comprehensive with all

the different parts that we need to address as we


- Brad Auten, Scottsdale, AZ

Rewire My Retirement™ taught me how to rely on the process each day. There's more order and fewer distractions. It's so comprehensive with all the different parts that we need to address as we retire.

- Brad Auten, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Personalized Step-by-Step Process in

    Online Portal to Learn Exclusive Rewire


  • ​Retirement Life Assessment

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit

  • Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates

  • ​Exclusive Community

  • Personalized Step-by-Step Process in Online Portal to Learn Exclusive Rewire Method™

  • ​Retirement Life Assessment

  • Goal Setting Review + Feedback

  • Goal Achieving Toolkit

  • Morning Routine Roadmap + Templates

  • ​Exclusive Community

Are You Ready to Live Your BEST Life

With More Passion + Purpose?

For what it's worth - you can absolutely achieve the life you want.

It just takes a reliable system in place to make the right, lasting changes that you and your future self deserve.

I truly want success and pure joy to pour into your life, and inspire both your loved ones and our culture to be


I look forward to helping you live your ideal lifestyle full passion and purpose.

Let's do this...

Rooting for you ❤️,

Cyn Meyer

Founder of Second Wind Movement

Coaching & Education for Successful Aging

Rooting for you ❤️,

Cyn Meyer

Founder of Second Wind Movement

Coaching & Education for Successful Aging

Unlock your possibilities, purpose & ideal retirement life...

Copyright @ Second Wind Movement - All Rights Reserved

[email protected]